Posts about Marketing

Metanet use Investible Partner Blueprint™ to create industry-specific messages and close new deals

“Before we started the program, we had an opportunity in the pipeline that the sales representative was struggling to close. I shared my Investible Partner™ learning and they went on to close the ...

Partner Elevate

Apache reaches 20% investment milestone using Investible Partner Blueprint™

“I already have 20% of the $5 million that I set out to raise before starting the program - primarily as a result of implementing the Investible Partner blueprint™ in our business.”

Partner Elevate

Luxfield create sales confidence with new GTM and diversify offer across industry

Primarily focused on telecommunications, Luxfield Technology Solutions help organisations facilitate change and achieve their vision while optimising their performance and productivity. Working with ...

Partner Elevate

Unpacking Microsoft Sales Plays: Putting our taxonomy to the test

We are unpacking one of Microsoft’s Sales Plays using Desmond’s Sales Play unpacker that we talked about in our previous article. As an ex-Microsoft Partner Development Manager, Des has spent many ...

Partner Elevate

Why Sales & Marketing alignment is a must do, and must have for Microsoft Partners

Fundamentally, the activity we do in marketing is pre-sales.

Partner Elevate

How to identify your ideal client & target market

Whether Microsoft Partners are looking to expand current offerings or dive deeper into specialized practices, being clear on where to focus your unique skills and capabilities, and realise the impact ...

Partner Elevate