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Dicker Data channel partner Intergy Consulting increases lead conversion with Offer Creation Formula from PartnerElevate

Written by Partner Elevate | Jun 11, 2024 2:14:50 AM

Intergy Consulting transformed their market position in 6 weeks with the PartnerElevate Offer Creation Formula™ and saw an immediate improvement in customer engagement during sales conversations.

Intergy Consulting Managing Director, David Crotty and Marketing Executive, Shash Thirumeni recently completed the Investible Partner™ Program with Dicker Data, so we caught up to hear about their experience.

Before you started, what areas of your market positioning were you seeking to strengthen?

We had been working on internal capabilities, including our ISO certifications and obtaining our Microsoft Solutions Partner designation. However, we were looking to raise our company profile and visibility in a very competitive market. Our primary challenge was that the custom software development space is becoming more competitive every day and so we wanted to continue to raise our profile to stand out from our competition as much as we could.

We knew that to stand out in such a competitive space as software development, we needed to be more proactive in how we were engaging with our target market.

Initial thoughts about the program?

When our Dicker Data account manager invited us to participate in the program ,we were honestly quite surprised but also really excited. It demonstrated to us how dedicated and supportive Dicker Data are in our success while also understanding what we needed as a partner to be successful with them.

Did you have hesitations about signing up?

Our initial hesitation was whether the program would fit a custom software development company like ours, as what we offer is very bespoke and tailored to our individual clients.

How was you overall experience?

The major thing that stood out to us was the time taken to really think deeply about our customers' problem and pain points. 

The step-by-step approach and simplicity of the Offer Creation Formula to then easily produce our offers targeting different problems our customers might have was eye-opening and very effective. It allowed us to see things from a fresh perspective and reformulate what we say in our sales and marketing messages and processes.

PartnerElevate's industry expertise working with over a thousand channel partner businesses like ours and personalised approach, meant they genuinely understood our business and were passionate about our success.

Results you've seen so far

We have revised some of the wording in our sales presentations and proposals to align with the fresh perspective we gained through the program. This has enabled us to be much more effective in converting leads to opportunities. For instance, a recent customer conversation that was initially scheduled for 30 minutes lasted an hour and a half because we were able to engage deeply and specifically about the customer's problems and needs.

Now that we have implemented the messaging into our sales and marketing processes, we have three specific targeted LinkedIn ads created and ready to go.

What's your advice to other partners considering the program?

To any Dicker Data or Microsoft partner looking to break away from the crowd, this program is highly recommended. The personalised approach ensures that your unique business needs are understood and addressed, leading to significant improvements in your market positioning and sales capabilities.